

Married since October 2000, Fr. Mike and Angie have 9 children. They have served in various pastoral capacities over their years together, taught in Christian schools, led evangelistic and mission teams, developed small group ministries, and discipled believers into stronger faith and understanding. They also spent time serving as Ministry Staff in building up Houses of Prayer in the Midwest and on the East coast. Together with their children, they want to labor at Christ the Redeemer Anglican Church so as to enjoy the redeeming love of God, give their lives to the Redeemer, and share the light of His redemption with the world. They are privileged and blessed to be partnering with their sending church, Church of the Ascension in West Virginia. Father Darryl Fitzwater has a passion for church planting and the Koppolas are very blessed to be working alongside him in this plant. Fr. Mike Koppola is an ordained Anglican Priest in the Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic. He is an Asbury Theological Seminary graduate with a passion to help people love God and experience His grace. He also owns and operates Koppola Cleaning, a family run business which he founded in 2014.